Branding + Identity
Web Design + Development
Search Engine Optimization
Email Marketing + Social Media
Marketing Photography
Print Design
Video Production + Animation
Packaging + Promotional Design
Creative + Technical Writing

Email Marketing + Social Media

Whether you like it or not, social media is here to stay. We'll help you decide what's important, which trends to avoid, and how to give your blog, Facebook, Flickr and Twitter accounts a custom look that blends seamlessly with the rest of your marketing efforts. And don't forget—our email marketing blasts and HTML newsletters still pack a powerful punch.




and many more!
Once operational, you have the ability to make all necessary updates to your accounts for 100% control (and of course, it's free!). Or, like so many others, you may realize that managing social media is work that still requires a little know-how to get'er done right. When requested, we can set up an ongoing contract so our writers and programmers can keep your social sites buzzing with current news.

We can also maximize your social media marketing efforts by providing total integration and data analysis. Your website can be updated with countless social widgets that will feed content to your site, and vice versa. This segues into our search engine optimization department, where having multiple content generating websites can lead to higher search engine rankings. So go ahead and jump on the bandwagon ... this train is'a leaving.

Email Marketing / HTML Emails

What is MailChimp? Only the world's most powerful email marketing platform, and the company we've used since we opened shop. Along the way, MailChimp became the industry-leader in quality and reliability ... and they're from Atlanta, so we like supporting our neighbors. MailChimp is great because it's entirely free until you actually send an email. And then, it's only a few pennies to get your emails sent the right way. What's more? You can easily do it yourself with their simple HTML email tools, or, let us take the reigns and custom design your emails the way the pros do it. Here's one example of our custom email blast designs, and another ... okay, just one more.

MailChimp is now completely integrated with other social media platforms, including Facebook. Send your email blast to your core followers via email, then click a button and BAM!, you've just posted it to your Facebook Fan Club page. Plus, you can now manage your email newsletter database on your iPhone. That's the power of social marketing!

for number crunchers
MailChimp also has a handy-dandy market analysis tool that shows how your email blast performed, which is great for you because it clearly demonstrates how kick-ass our email blasts are. We consistently achieve near 50% open rates with 3-4 times the standard clickthrough rates.

Go ahead, give us a try!

We've already hooked you up with all these free social media marketing tools that will integrate seamlessly with your existing website. Might as well have us set them up for you ... we'll make you look GOOD.

Knoxville TN Website Design 404-556-9072Namey Design Studios is a strategic web design, marketing and digital communications company based out of Knoxville, TN. Since 1998, we have continually provided a wide ranging client base with some of the best creative media in the marketplace. From custom, cutting edge websites and new media productions to traditional print, logo design and branding, our in-house capabilities allow us to offer complete digital marketing packages that drive our clients’ businesses—online, in print and over the air. We are an award winning boutique marketing company with a reputation for quality, creativity and value.
Advertising + Branding + Marketing Strategy
Web Design + Custom Website Development
Search Engine Optimization (SEO + SEM)
Commercial Photography
Print + Graphic Design + Illustration
Digital Video Production + Animation
Product Packaging + Promotional Display Design
Creative Writing + Technical Communications
© 2010 Namey Design Studios. knoxville tn marketing, web design, branding, advertising